Welcome Back: School Re-opens on Monday 26th January 2015

Hello Wizzylag (Wizzy ladies and gentlemen), happy new year! Campus is void without you and we are waiting earnestly for you. We are happy to announce to you that school re-opens on Monday 26th of January 2015. 

So what happened  on campus since you left? Well, nothing much, WCOM and BMS 4 upper students  defended their project work on Wednesday 14 of January to Friday 16th of January 2015. Did everybody perform well on the defense day? No!  We are talking about receiving questions from more than 3 elite lecturers who have fixed their mind at criticizing your work no matter what you have done.

 I mean come on, how can you ask a student "to mention the types of personal computers..." It was that bad. I can't really  say it all, I will only advise you to make out time to watch the project defense. Your experience will help you a lot on the day of your final defense.

So what else? Law students wrote their exams on January...  they will be on vacation while the degree students resumes school on Monday.

Campus was empty as usual during vacations. Nothing much actually happened that  I don't remember. We are looking forward to having an auspicious semester together. If you have any question or anything to say about this blog post, please leave a comment. 
