Do you Know about WIUC Christian Fellowship?

WIUC Christian fellowship is something that goes on every Wednesday at the University main campus. Whether you are a fresher or a continuing student, there is nothing wrong if you attend and pray together with your colleagues for a better semester experience.

At the fellowship, prayer points are raised and the University, students, lectures, and workers are prayed for. It is an awesome experience, every student can't afford to miss.

The fellowship starts at 10:30 and only lasts for an hour. Worshiping and thanking God for a an hour is not so much work I presume. So if you have friends, or you know any course mate who has not been attending, ask the person to follow you to the fellowship this semester.

You may never know what you are doing to somebody's life until they tell you. The fellowship is an interdenominational one, so you can be rest assured that there will be no segregation or favoritism.

Personally, to have an opportunity to fellowship with my colleagues in college is awesome.  You may never know what opportunity you have at your disposal to worship God until you leave the four walls of the University.

What do you think? Are you going to attend to WIUC fellowship this semester? Or do you think there is something hindering you from attending? Please share your thoughts by leaving your comments.
