Register your Favorite Sport at WIUC JCR and Win with DSTV

What is your favorite sport? Do you know that you can now register your favorite sport at WIUC JCR and stand a chance to win some awesome prices.  Football players, Table tennis players, Playstation 3 players, Pool table players should come to the JCR and register their name with their index numbers.

You won't necessary register for all the games. If you are really good in table tennis, you can register your name and go and represent Wisconsin. Mind you, there will be some training that will go on at the JCR with the table tennis board there and if you eventually prove to the best, then you can go and represent WIUC.

Those that registered for football will go outside the university campus with the school bus for some training. It is going to be awesome, and if you don't register, you will not be allowed to participate in the competition even if you are the best.

This program is powered by DSTV Ghana. What do you think? Are you going to register for this competition. Leave your comments.
