Goodbye to binary numbers, computers now use quantum numbers! All computer language is based in binary code. It is the back end of all computer functioning. Binary means that there is a code of either 0 or 1 for a computer to toggle between. All computer functions will rapidly toggle between 00 or 01 at an incomprehensible speed. This is how computers have come to assist humans in tasks that would take so much longer to complete. Computers understand languages in bits of 0 and 1 which literally represent on and off.
The primary language of computers, binary is still used in today's machines because it's simple and elegant design. Binary's 0 and 1 method is efficient but not secure. People can hack into computers and still data because they can break into computer's binary system.
Quantum computing on the other hand offers a more secure alternative to everybody. According to Duncan McBranch, Chief Technology Officer at Los Alamos National Laboratory, “Quantum systems represent the best hope for truly secure data encryption, because they store or transmit information in ways that are unbreakable by conventional cryptographic methods,”
By harnessing the quantum properties of light for generating random numbers, and creating cryptographic keys with lightning speed, the technology enables a completely new commercial platform for real-time encryption at high data rates.
For the first time, ordinary citizens and companies will be able to use cryptographic systems that have only been the subject of experiments in the world’s most advanced physics and computing laboratories for real-world applications.
If implemented on a wide scale, quantum key distribution technology could ensure truly secure commerce, banking, communications and data transfer.
The technology at the heart of the agreement is a compact random-number-generation technology that creates cryptographic keys based on the truly random polarization state of light particles known as photons.
Because the randomness of photon polarization is based on quantum mechanics, an adversary cannot predict the outcome of this random number generator. This represents a vast improvement over current "random-number" generators that are based on mathematical formulas that can be broken by a computer with sufficient speed and power.
Moreover, any attempt by a third party to eavesdrop on the secure communications between quantum key holders disrupts the quantum system itself, so communication can be aborted and the snooper detected before any data is stolen.
The Los Alamos technology is simple and compact enough that it could be made into a unit comparable to a computer thumb drive or compact data-card reader. Units could be manufactured at extremely low cost, putting them within easy retail range of ordinary electronics consumers.
After nearly 20 years of development quantum computing goes to the market. This is really a breakthrough in the IT.
I was in the lecture room yesterday, when my lecturer said something about Quantum Computing. I went home and did a little bit of research and came out with this information. I hope you have learnt something from this blog post. So what do you think? Do you have something to say about this new trend in IT? Please leave your comments. How else can we learn?
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