Why do we get sick? In this note, I decided to analyze this question from the Bible view point. I referred to the Bible view since it is the only source of truth that we can trust, this fact even most scientist concur. Those being said let us return back to our question, why do we get sick?
Have you ever paused to think about this issue, more or less search for the reason? If you were once worried about this question, worry no more because the truth is going to be unveiled to you in this note. But if you have not taught about this question before, you will agree with me that it is a good question to evaluate.
What People Say
Many people believe that sickness is simply a quirk of human evolution. Other people think that mysterious forces such as evil spirits, demons… are responsible for our health problems. What about you? What do you think? Is sickness a part of human nature or do we have companion, well I mean bad companions who is not happy that we are around. Let see what the bible have to tell us about this.
What the Bible Says
According to the Bible, we get sick as a result of the first human rebellion against God. (Romans 5:12). As ridiculous as it may sound to some people, I strongly believe that this is the case. God’s intentions for human being is to be perfect and be in good health and he actually created us that way before our rebellion to him.
What People Say
Many people believe that sickness is simply a quirk of human evolution. Other people think that mysterious forces such as evil spirits, demons… are responsible for our health problems. What about you? What do you think? Is sickness a part of human nature or do we have companion, well I mean bad companions who is not happy that we are around. Let see what the bible have to tell us about this.
What the Bible Says
According to the Bible, we get sick as a result of the first human rebellion against God. (Romans 5:12). As ridiculous as it may sound to some people, I strongly believe that this is the case. God’s intentions for human being is to be perfect and be in good health and he actually created us that way before our rebellion to him.
Our first parents Adam and Eve, enjoyed perfect health before their disobedience to God. The flawed nature of the rebellions of our first parents has been passed on to us. Hence despite, all efforts to eliminate human maladies, we still get sick. Yet there is hope for us. We can actually be reconciled to God and be free from all manner of sickness, it is very possible.
What Can We Do?
“Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin.” (Romans 5:12). However, through another man’s death we are saved from the wrath of God. All it takes is for us to repent from our sinful ways and give our life to Christ and God will joyfully restore us to our perfect self. One who believes in Jesus does not get sick, it takes the spirit of God to know that one who believe in Jesus Christ does not get sick. It also takes faith to believe in this.
Salvation Prayer
Christ Jesus, I know am a sinner.What Can We Do?
“Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin.” (Romans 5:12). However, through another man’s death we are saved from the wrath of God. All it takes is for us to repent from our sinful ways and give our life to Christ and God will joyfully restore us to our perfect self. One who believes in Jesus does not get sick, it takes the spirit of God to know that one who believe in Jesus Christ does not get sick. It also takes faith to believe in this.
Salvation Prayer
Forgive me all my sins oh lord.
Today I accept you as my lord and my personal saviour.
Let your holy spirit come into my life.
Thank you for dying for me on the cross.
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