Does the Bible Discourage Medical Treatment?

We all have different beliefs, faith and more diverse ways of thinking. Now, I would like to ask, Does God in any way feel bad or condemns medical treatment from earthly physicians? In this note, I am looking at this controversial question, hoping to get some genuine replies about this issue.

 I was astonished at the different opinions that was coming out when I first asked this question among group of Christian friends. So I ask again, Does the bible discourage us from seeking medical attention from earthy physicians?

What People Say

Some promote spiritual healing (healing of faith) over medical treatment. A young man I know have refused medical treatment even at a point where it was clear to him that his sickness is not getting better. Now the question is, what does the bible really say about this issue?

What the Bible Says

Jesus in one of his famous speech said: “Persons in health do not need a physician, but the ailing do.” (Matthew 9:12). This clearly indicates to us that Jesus in no wise does not condemn people seeking for medical attention when they need it.

He even said that the sick needs medical attention. God allowed health-care practitioners to operate among his people in Bible times (Genesis 38:28; Colossians 4:14). There is nothing in the Bible that would indicate that God was displeased with their use of medical plants, ointment, prescribed diets, drugs, and other medical treatment.

However, the bible does not encourage relentlessly pursuit of health at all cost. Aside from practices that the bible condemns, the sensible thing to do when faced with ailment would be to seek appropriate health care promptly, if it is available.

Those of you that still argue about this, I hope this note will help you to get a clear understanding about this issue.
